Sunday, October 25, 2009


OK, I thought I'd win the Worst Lousy Blogger award here -- but this year I lost. And get THIS! I lost to a housewife in New Zealand who doesn't even have a computer!! I mean, I don't even see how she can be considered!

Anyway, rather than waste time on sour, by gumbo, I AM going to waste time on sour grapes, but being a writer I'll procrastinate and do it later.......just noting here that in ONE WEEK it will be Sunday again (duhhh) and the date will be...

NOVEMBER 1, 2009. What that means is, it will be the first Official Day of NaNoWriMo! Yes, I am participating again. I'm all registered and everything. I hear that rumbling "if she can't write a lousy BLOG but once every blue moon how can we believe she's going to crank out 1,667 words a DAY???" Ah, well you may say that.

But don't, because I don't have an answer. Anyway, I mean to give it a shot and I'll try to document it here. (Operative word, O Ye Naysayers: TRY.) Smartasses.

So I'm off to begin the earliest preparations. At this point I have:

No ideas

No plans

No plot

No characters

....but an Iron Will (stop that cackling, you in the back) and my cherished little netbook which goes everywhere with me and has (I'm SO not making this up) something over FIVE HOURS' battery time on a full charge. Take THAT, Barnes & Noble, with your two lousy outlets both in one corner of the cafe.

Watch. This. Space.

written by dale-harriet, Optimist of the Century (for our region, which includes Lilac Lane only)


Anonymous said...

Go-go-go, D-H!

Jen in FL said...

You can do it D-H! You're right about where I was on November 1st of my first NaNoWriMo. It was awesome!

Jamwes said...

It's never to late to start outlining...

I'll see ya on the first.